Goddess Kwan Yin

Goddess Kwan Yin

Assists Meditation

Peace-invoking and calming, the reverential and uplifting aroma acts like an incense creating a sacred space, while the Spirit of Woman Australian Flower Essences and Sacred Earth Crystal Essences open the pathway to deep contemplation and reflection. The energy here is of stillness – 'be still and know God'. It taps us into the higher purer frequencies of the 'All That Is', bringing feelings of peace and harmony and a sense of oneness with all. Its calming effect on the nervous system and heart act positively on the body to bring about easy cellular regeneration and rejuvenation. It is known in traditional eastern medicine (Tibetan and Chinese) that by mastering the mind, the Wise Sage gains longevity, living contentedly in tune with the environment and at peace with all souls.

Goddess Kwan Yin is revered by Chinese Taoists as immortal and She is known as the Goddess of Mercy. In Buddhist tradition She calls Herself 'The Mother of all Buddhas'. By her own words, she is a complex energy presence: 'Although I am Bodhisattva, I am energy. I am not a person'. Basically, the Kwan Yin energy was never in one single body. It has always been a great part of the energy of all of compassion of all the Universe. The name "Kwan Yin" is a derivation of a Chinese name for the goddess of motherly compassion. Translated as "she who hears the cries of the people" She responds to the heartfelt needs and anguish of the people of earth regardless of background or belief.

She is called a Bodhisattva, literally a "being of bodhi, or enlightenment." Bodhi is the spiritual energy that produces an urge for enlightenment, emanating Wisdom and Compassion. It is said that as she was about to enter heaven, she paused at the threshold as the cries of the world reached her ears, and she returned to help them. She is also called an Ascended Master, which essentially means that one has learned all their lessons, transmuted their karma, and is not compelled to experience being reborn into a physical body if they do not desire it.


Spirit of Woman Flower Essences of Apostle Plant, Seeing Eye and White Wandering Jew, Sacred Earth Crystal Essences of Azurite and Selenite, Organic Essential Oils of Frankincense, Melissa and Pine, natural preservative and purified water.

Goddess Kwan Yin Meditation can be used, for example:

  • when starting out on a course of meditation
  • if you feel you are on a plateau spiritually and need a lift to the next level
  • if you are fed up with your 'grasshopper mind' and simply want some inner peace
  • if you can't sleep at night a spray will elecit drowiness in no time
  • if you want to 'converse with your angels' or guides
  • if you are going to a yoga session, a meditation, sound bath or acupuncture and want to sink deeply into it
  • any time you want to feel the sacredness and connectedness of life
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