Spirit of Woman Australian Wildflower Essences

Spirit of Woman Australian Wildflower Essences

Flower Remedies are not new. The Australian Aboriginals have always used flowers to heal the emotions, as did the Ancient Egyptians. There has also been a very long tradition of use of Flower Essences in India, Asia and South America and they were also very popular in Europe in the Middle Ages.

Elixirs made from flowers carry this energy, delivering it into our being via the aura (bioelectric field that surrounds all liviing beings), chakras and meridians. Flower essences are the Mother's gift to humanity to harmonise soul and spirit and to increase awareness of the ways we can help ourselves to navigate life joyously and successfuly. They introduce into our energy system the healing vibration of the Mother. They are gentle yet powerful healers that work on the emotional and mental states, which in turn have a trickle-down effect on the physical body. They bring about deep states of satisfaction with the self, wellbeing and feelings of being able to master our lives. They tap us back into our natural states of bliss and harmony, unfettered by some of the habitual negative mental and emotional states of anxiety, powerlessness, lack of confidence, feelings of separation and loneliness, fear and panic. They re-connect us back to the power source of life itself.

Spirit Woman flower essences not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life. Then everyone benefits....the individual, society and the planet.

The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self - love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.

We at Santosha hair spa incorporate the use of combination essences into some of our treatments and prescribe blends for your personal use.

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